Monday, April 30, 2007


Check out this post by my friends at Crossfit Westside

See anyone familiar? My first 275 lb dead lift. Thanks Coach!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Manage your online identity

I just posted a new article on the killam&co blog about manging your online identity.
As I become more involved in the online marketing community, social networking sites like linkedin and facebook, and continue to give speeches to local business groups, it's become apparent to me that I need to keep an eye on how I show up online.

This begs the question: have you googled yourself lately? What was once a fad now has a legitimate purpose: how you show up online could affect your success in the job market and other areas of your life.

To learn more about this topic, head over to the killam&co online marketing blog.
I'll be focusing on this topic in the upcoming weeks.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Crossfit Workout

Had a great workout tonight with Coach Jenika at Crossfit Westside.

Click here for to see the group in action: Vancouver Crossfit

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Nucks vs Ducks

3-1 at the end of the first period. What a bummer! Let's hope the 'Nucks can battle back....

Monday, April 23, 2007


NICE! We won the hockey game. Right now I am two blocks from GM place filming the madness that is Vancouver after tonight's win. Stay tuned for a video in the next day or two after I edit the footage.

It's so loud here I won't be able to sleep for hours. There is a traffic jam at Robson and Homer and a bunch of guys have gotten out of their car (painted as a Cunucks jersey) and are now on top of it cheering at people and waving flags. Craziness. Air horns. Cheering.

It's great to be in the Van!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Weekend Update

This post covers the past week and this weekend:

- Spoke at the Vancouver Club. Presented to 50+ female entrepreneurs attending a meeting for the Association of Women Business Owners. The talk was on and how to use it to grow your business
- Watched the game on Tuesday night with the men of team Crowbar
- Partied at the Opus on Thursday night. A friend/contact of mine got me in to see a private show. DJ Tall Pall from the U.K was in for the night. The music and people rocked.
- Worked out this weekend with the team at CrossFit Westside
Ended up benching 240 lbs, a personal best. Funny thing was that I thought I was benching 215 and then 220 only to learn later we had mis-counted. Niiice!
- Shot, edited and produced my first digital video today. I am looking into adding video promotion and optimization to my online marketing services list over at killam&co
- Going to re-watch The DaVinci Code tonight with Karen

Saturday, April 21, 2007

What is fitness?

Are you fit? No? Or maybe you think you are ....

Check out CrossFit. It's fairly new (last 5 years it has been growing quite a lot).
Crossfit is a work out philosophy that combines Olympic lifting, gymnastics, and strength training into intense, 15-20 minute workouts that will have you in the best shape of your life in months.

If you're a local, local to me that is, contact my friends at the local Vancouver CrossFit gym
a.k.a CrossFit West Side.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Still have a cold

This is getting rediculous...the cold that just will not die is still with me.....I will keep up the good fight.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Funny Star Wars Parody on YouTube

Boating Trip Pics

Pic by Wenlin of all of us.
This was taken on a little island
owned by the yacht club.
A few minutes later we
saw seals in the water behind us.

Mt. Killam..why is this sideways?

Jen hugging a huge tree.
I think it was about 10' thick
and possibly 80-100 ft tall.

Post Weekend Update Post

Yeah - fun times. The party was a blast. The 2:1 female to male ratio for about half the night was a unexpected surprize xoxo ((Karen)) ;) !

Boating on Sunday was an absolute trip. We rented a boat at Sewel's in Horshoe Bay and after jumping some ferry waves (ouch) we headed over to Gambier island. We also stopped at a small island owned by the yacht club and watched seals.

Cool times.

Chris and I saw the 'Nucks game last nite at Dix - good food, good, beer and nearly empty! What's up with that? I'll definately be going back soon.

All in all it was a good weekend. I even got a few things done and hung out with Karen lots to boot.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Building a website

I've been working on creating a website for my online marketing freelance business, killam&co.
In between work, freelance, and the volunteer activities I'm involved in it seems to be taking a lot of time. What seems to be working is the idea of "get started, post something, refine later".

Several entrepreneurs I've worked for in the past routinely took action in this manner. Even if it's not pretty, you gain momentum once you get moving. Once the momentum builds you it gets a little easier but you have to keep going. I should have several new pages added to the site by the end of the weekend.

What's up next? Once the site has about 10 or so pages I'll begin working on promoting it and will put my skills to the test. Can I market my own website and attract customers? If not I won't be in business very long!

I need a camera

Vancouver is kicking ass in the weather department today. Although I still have the tail end of a cold Kris and I managed to make it to Kits beach this morning for a quick Crossfit workout.

Pull ups and pushups and some air squats did the trick. Having people over tonight but I'll be pretty low key due to still being on Tylenal Flu meds. Hope to manage a Corona or two though...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Note to self: there are many birthday's on April 14th

Several people will be missing from our upcoming party (my girlfriend included) due to birthday's falling on the 14th. The turn out is still looking good however... so mark your calendars....


I have been as sick as a dawg this week missing work 3/4 days (hoping to make it in tomorrow)
I did manage to do some work from home and also updated my online marketing blog.

Weather and health permitting we're planning a boating tour of English Bay this Sunday assuming everyone has their sea legs after Saturday night's bash. I'm thinking I am going to take it easy on Sat on account of the recent down time...

More interesting news coming soon...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

New Blog: Green 2.0

I started a new blog today on going green called Green 2.0.
I've taken an interest in reducing my impact on the environment and would like to encourage others to do what they can as well. The idea is to promote green business practices and low impact living. Check it out and spread the word.

Hockey Day in Canada - Great Success!!

Hockey Day in Canada Rocked my socks.
I played nets and sucked. Then I got a chance to redeem myself and I kicked some ass. We won and gloated...a lot.

Thanks Connal and Kara for a great time!

Party time

Party time April 14th.
If you know me and live in Vancouver call for details.

Secret location to be announced.
Only those with the password will be let in.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

No impact man

Green business and living practices interest me.
A guy known as "no impact man" is on an interesting mission in NYC to live as green as possible. Check it out: The No Impact Man Blog

killam&co: the new blog is up

I've started a new online marketing blog for killam&co.
Check it out. It's all about the wonderful world of online marketing

Still riding the Clue Train

The twisted ankle that won't go away is plaguing me.
Nearly finished "The Clue Train Manifesto" see link on the sidebar - I can't believe I never read this until now. Seriously, just go read it already if you haven't and you'll see what I mean.

Although late to the party on this one it's really given me a new perspective on this thing called the web.

Contemplating calling killam&co a search company now rather than an online marketing firm and writing all sorts of ideas down about how I can give the business a "real" voice, a real online presence rather than just the brochure I started out with.

The whole topic of what a website should be and how a company should engage with its customers is something I'm fascinated with for some reason. I think I'll write some more about this in time.