Wednesday, May 9, 2007


On the topic of online reputation management....

Online or off, who you invest time with, who you're close to, and who you associate with has a huge impact on who you become and how others perceive you.

Businesses have been aware of this for eons. Take sponsorships as an example. A smallish company can sponsor a large event and by way of doing so become associated with the size, quality and people involved.

The web works in a similar way. Your online reputation, who and what you're associated with, will play a big role in how others perceive you. If someone finds your personal blog and the writing is focused and of good quality great. You might score a point. But if that same person comes across your name as a volunteer for a charity or organization they support or say in an online article in the Globe and Mail, so much the better.

The take away: give some though to who you want to be known as, the people, businesses and organizations who you respect, and learn how you can associate your name with them. The pay-off will be an enhanced image online and off and the new opportunities that will come as a result.

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