People I'm Interested In
I've been thinking about a direction to take this blog in and have decided to use it as a place to state and collect my ideas. While I do a lot of writing in journals and notebooks every day, there's something interesting and unique about posting ideas online for others to share.
On that note I thought I would start a list of people out there who I have an interest in keeping tabs on so here it is:
Newer list:
Greg Glassman, Founder of
Marc Benioff, CEO and Founder of
Anyone from Google
Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of NYC and founder of
Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States
Marc Cuban, Owner of the Dallas Mavericks and Internet Billionaire
Older but still on the fav list:
Michael Jordan
Wayne Gretzky
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Bill Clinton
People in Vancouver/BC:
Bob Renie, Real Estate Mogul
Ozie Jurock, Real Estate Guru
Sam Sulivan, Mayor of Vancouver
Gordon Campbell, Premier of BC
Trevor Andrew, Snowboarding pro
(I used to skate with the TDawg from time to time when I was 16 whenver I visited Martock)
Still working on this one...
Brian Tracy
Tony Robbins
Maxwell Maltz
Napolean Hill
People from back east:
You're all on facebook anyway so why would I need to list you here!
This list will or may be a work in progress. Stay tuned.
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