Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hockey Day In Canada


It's Hockey Day in Canada at Kara and Connal's place today.
Too bad I can't play due to the ankle...maybe they'll give me a mask and I can lie in the net?

Friday, March 30, 2007


"Let us speak, though we show all our faults and weaknesses —
for it is a sign of strength to be weak, to know it, and out with it..."

- Herman Melville

Clue Train

There is an incredible amount of practice, failure, and learning that has to take place before we develop the courage and surety to trust such an internal, private muse, to ignore the contrary opinions of others and do what we know will succeed.

- Rick Levine "The Clue Train Manifesto"

Around the World: places I want to go

U.K / Scotland / Ireland
Holland <-- visit family and friends
Denmark / Sweden
Russia <-- for hunting of the 3 eyed wild boars at Chernobyl
Kazahkstan <-- Niiiiicee!
Costa Rica

Oh yeah and Greenland and Iceland Awsommmeee!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Summer Time is Almost Here

I thought it might be time to get a photo or two up here on the blog.
This is a favorite of mine from last summer, a 70's party I went to with my bud Kris.

It's a nice day in Vancouver today and this photo reminds me that summer is going to come early this year...and the parties...and the beach...and on and on...... (-_-) yeah...

Change your thinking change your ....

Life? A great book by Brian Tracy.

I started reading "The Clue Train Manifesto" today.
It rocks. What else can I say? I've had time at work to do a lot of research not to mention a few projects I was given today that primarily involve researching certain aspects of online marketing like RSS feeds and the idea of giving away information for free as a way of generating revenue.

Where was I? Oh yeah. Ok so I am reading
and while I'm only on the 1st chapter I have to say this is a must read if you want to get up to speed on the major changes taking place in how we do business, scratch that, how the world is starting to do business due to the changes the net is making possible.

This book was ahead of its time, originally written in '99 I believe. Good stuff.
Give it a read - you won't be disapointed.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

End of the Weekend

Had a good weekend.
Did a Crossfit workout (next time I will bench my body weight!)
Had lots of coffee
This ends my 1 week of no work in the evenings
Time to get back to it

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Checking out

Checking out Twitter is a new Web 2.0 site that allows you to share with the world, in small bite sized chunks what you are up to at any given time of the day using the web or your mobile phone.

Kind of interesting and I'd like to see if it has an affect on my web traffic etc but other than that does it provide any real value other than a distraction? Guess I find out in time. See the new app on the right hand side of this blog to learn more.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Killam&Co Online Marketing Updated

My online marketing company 's website has been updated.
Known to most of you as killamandco. Notice any similarities? That's becuase I used the same template for and Keep it simple right?

What I'm up to

Quick Post:

- finalizing the adam killam website
- anticipating a visit from mom :)
- working on
- prepping for the next Vancouver User Group Meeting
- taking it easy otherwise as I need to rest the twisted ankle

Latest Books

Just purchased:

- "The Effective Executive" by Peter Drucker
- "How to Talk so People Listen" by Sonya Hamilton
- "The House of Gucci" by Sara Gay Forden
- "Planet India" by Mira Kamdar

Currently reading:

- "Fierce Conversations" by Susan Scott

Recently Completed:

- "One Billion Customers" by James McGreggor <-- I highly recommend this book if you have any interest in the crazy explosion and expansion China has been going through for the past 25 years.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

People I'm Interested In

I've been thinking about a direction to take this blog in and have decided to use it as a place to state and collect my ideas. While I do a lot of writing in journals and notebooks every day, there's something interesting and unique about posting ideas online for others to share.

On that note I thought I would start a list of people out there who I have an interest in keeping tabs on so here it is:

Newer list:
Greg Glassman, Founder of
Marc Benioff, CEO and Founder of
Anyone from Google
Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of NYC and founder of
Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States
Marc Cuban, Owner of the Dallas Mavericks and Internet Billionaire

Older but still on the fav list:
Michael Jordan
Wayne Gretzky
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Bill Clinton

People in Vancouver/BC:

Bob Renie, Real Estate Mogul
Ozie Jurock, Real Estate Guru
Sam Sulivan, Mayor of Vancouver
Gordon Campbell, Premier of BC
Trevor Andrew, Snowboarding pro
(I used to skate with the TDawg from time to time when I was 16 whenver I visited Martock)

Still working on this one...


Brian Tracy
Tony Robbins
Maxwell Maltz
Napolean Hill

People from back east:
You're all on facebook anyway so why would I need to list you here!

This list will or may be a work in progress. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Page Design

Props to my buddy Justin over at who provided the inspiration for the new look.

Welcome to the new Adam Killam Blog

A new website and a new blog. I thought it was about time I cleaned house and got rid of some of the clutter.

Nuff said...